Why Rent When You Can Own?

Why rent when you can own ? Great question! If you’re looking for houses for rent you may want to consider your other options as a potential homeowner in the Rockford area. Most locals who are looking for homes to rent  are likely looking at renting as their only option because of things like… – Bad … Continued

5 Tips for Selling Your Multi-Family Property in Rockford

Unlike a private home, selling your multi-family property involves several people, depending on the number of units. Sellers must put a great deal of consideration into the transaction to ensure they aren’t crossing any legal lines regarding the laws, rules, and regulations of Rockford by which multi-family property owners must abide. Failure to do so … Continued

How To Sell A Distressed Property in Rockford

For those who need to know how to sell a distressed property in Rockford, we’ll cover the options you have available. Traditional listings for this type of property are not suggested as they don’t attract most buyers, take far too long, and are too costly for most owners of a distressed property. Life can bring … Continued

Things To Know Before You Buy Rent To Own in Rockford

Are you thinking about buying a house in Rockford? If so, a rent to own agreement can be a great way to do it! Learn more about what to expect so you can understand the process before you buy rent to own property! And if you have any questions, we are always here to help!  … Continued

How to Sell Your Rockford House in a Hot Market

It’s no secret that it is a hot market right now in the real estate world. Low housing inventory and high demand should mean that your home would sell quickly. Homeowners are often left to wonder why their house just is not selling or even getting any showings when the Rockford real estate market is … Continued

5 Things You Should Do To Sell Your House Fast In Rockford

You could be selling your house for any number of reasons, but once you decide you want to sell, of course, you want to sell your house fast in Rockford. Here are some things you should do to sell your house fast in Rockford. Appropriate Asking Price The number one thing that will sell your … Continued

How to Stay in My Home After Foreclosure in Rockford

A recent study estimates that 47% of foreclosed properties are still occupied. When you first see that stat you may be surprised… but we’re not. What most people don’t realize is that banks aren’t in the business to own homes. They are in the business to loan people money. But when they have to foreclose … Continued

How To Sell A Hoarder House In Rockford

If you are dealing with a property with years and years worth of acquired possessions, the idea of selling can seem overwhelming. Below, we offer some tips to help you sell your hoarder house fast in Rockford, without the costs or stress you may expect!  Do you own a hoarder house in Rockford? Or maybe … Continued

How To Sell Your House With Tenants In Rockford

Do you need to sell your house with tenants in Rockford? The process isn’t always that easy depending on your lease and tenants in place. Learn more about how to do it in our latest post. Ethically, when selling your house with tenants in Rockford, you’ll want to make the transition as easy as possible. … Continued

Renting An Apartment vs Renting A House in Rockford

So, you’re looking for a place to rent in Rockford? As you’ve already seen… there are a lot of options in the Rockford area for housing. All the way from apartments in Rockford to rental houses in Rockford… condos… mobile homes, and more. But if you’re struggling to decide if you want to rent an … Continued

How To Sell A Probate Property In Rockford

If you own a property, that is stuck in the courts, it can feel frustrating and overwhelming. All of your hard work handling everything should pay off in one way or another. In our latest post, we will help you learn how to sell a probate property in Rockford! The probate process is stressful. Selling … Continued

How To Sell a Probate Property in Rockford

After facing the loss of a loved one who didn’t have a will or investments protecting against the process altogether. To sell a probate property can mean long drawn out proceedings, especially with larger estates.  It can be costly to go through, so avoid making the mistake of skipping any of the legal requirements which … Continued